
Sun Zi Introduction Table of content – The Art of War

Chinese strategy explained : know yourself and the ennemy, use deception, spies, and "win with ease". Tr. Giles (en, annotated) and Amiot (fr).

I. Laying Plans
II. Waging War
III. Attack by Stratagem
IV. Tactical Dispositions
V. Energy
VI. Weak Points and Strong
VII. Maneuvering
VIII. Variation in Tactics
IX. The Army On The March
X. Terrain
XI. The Nine Situations
XII. The Attack By Fire
XIII. The Use of Spies

Laying Plans

Ts`ao Kung, in defining the meaning of the Chinese for the title of this chapter, says it refers to the deliberations in the temple selected by the general for his temporary use, or as we should say, in his tent. See. ss. 26.

Sunzi I. 1.

Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State.

It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

Giles I.1,2.

Sun Tzu dit : La guerre est d'une importance vitale pour l'État. C'est le domaine de la vie et de la mort : la conservation ou la perte de l'empire en dépendent ; il est impérieux de le bien régler. Ne pas faire de sérieuses réflexions sur ce qui le concerne, c'est faire preuve d'une coupable indifférence pour la conservation ou pour la perte de ce qu'on a de plus cher, et c'est ce qu'on ne doit pas trouver parmi nous.


依谷, not 榖
yves – 31 – 2008/12/03
Chinese landscape on plate (59)

The Art of War – Sun Zi I. 1. – Chinese off/onFrançais/English
Alias Sun Tzu, Sun Wu, Sun Tse, Sunzi Bingfa, Souen Tseu, Souen Wou, 孫武.

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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