
Lun Yu Introduction Table des matières – Les Entretiens de Confucius

Le Maître échange propos, anecdotes, brèves paraboles et maximes avec ses disciples. Tr. Couvreur (fr), Legge (en) et Lau (en).

Lunyu XV. 6. (397)

Tzeu tchang demanda comment agir. Le Maître répondit : « Sois loyal et digne de confiance dans tes paroles, sérieux et circonspect dans tes actions, et tu pourras œuvrer, même au milieu des barbares du Sud ou du Nord. Si tu n'es ni loyal ni digne de foi dans tes paroles, ni prudent ni circonspect dans tes actions, que pourras-tu faire, même dans un village ? Debout [prêt à agir], aie ces paroles devant les yeux. En char, applique-les à ton timon. Par ce moyen, tu pourras œuvrer. » Tzeu tchang les inscrivit sur sa ceinture.

Couvreur XV.5.

Conduct that will be appreciated in all parts of the world.
1. Tsze-chang asked how a man should conduct himself, so as to be everywhere appreciated.
2. The Master said, "Let his words be sincere and truthful and his actions honorable and careful;– such conduct may be practiced among the rude tribes of the South or the North. If his words be not sincere and truthful, and his actions not honorable and careful, will he, with such conduct, be appreciated, even in his neighborhood?
3. "When he is standing, let him see those two things, as it were, fronting him. When he is in a carriage, let him see them attached to the yoke. Then may he subsequently carry them into practice."
4. Tsze-chang wrote these counsels on the end of his sash.

Legge XV.5.

Tzu-chang asked about going forward without obstruction. The Master said, 'If in word you are conscientious and trustworthy and in deed singleminded and reverent, then even in the lands of the bar- barians you will go forward without obstruction. But if you fail to be conscientious and trustworthy in word or to be singleminded and reverent in deed, then can you be sure of going forward without obstruction even in your own neighbourhood? When you stand you should have this ideal there in front of you, and when you are in your carriage you should see it leaning against the handle-bar. Only then are you sure to go forward without obstruction.' Tzu-chang wrote this down on his sash.

Lau [15:6]

Paysage chinois sur plateau (56)

Les Entretiens de Confucius – Lun Yu XV. 6. – Chinois on/off – Français/English
Alias the Lunyu, the Lun Yü, the Analects, les Entretiens du maître avec ses disciples.

Le Canon des Poèmes, Les Entretiens, La Grande Étude, Le Juste Milieu, Les Trois Caractères, Le Livre des Mutations, De la Voie et la Vertu, 300 poèmes Tang, L'Art de la guerre, Trente-six stratagèmes
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