
Sun Zi Introduction Table of content – The Art of War

Chinese strategy explained : know yourself and the ennemy, use deception, spies, and "win with ease". Tr. Giles (en, annotated) and Amiot (fr).

I. Laying Plans
II. Waging War
III. Attack by Stratagem
IV. Tactical Dispositions
V. Energy
VI. Weak Points and Strong
VII. Maneuvering
VIII. Variation in Tactics
IX. The Army On The March
X. Terrain
XI. The Nine Situations
XII. The Attack By Fire
XIII. The Use of Spies

Waging War

Ts`ao Kung has the note: "He who wishes to fight must first count the cost," which prepares us for the discovery that the subject of the chapter is not what we might expect from the title, but is primarily a consideration of ways and means.

Sunzi II. 8.

Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy's provisions is equivalent to twenty of one's own, and likewise a single PICUL of his provender is equivalent to twenty from one's own store.1

Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.2

1. Because twenty cartloads will be consumed in the process of transporting one cartload to the front. A PICUL is a unit of measure equal to 133.3 pounds (65.5 kilograms).
2. Tu Mu says: "Rewards are necessary in order to make the soldiers see the advantage of beating the enemy; thus, when you capture spoils from the enemy, they must be used as rewards, so that all your men may have a keen desire to fight, each on his own account."

Giles II.15,16.

C'est pour prévenir tous ces désastres qu'un habile général n'oublie rien pour abréger les campagnes, et pour pouvoir vivre aux dépens de l'ennemi, ou tout au moins pour consommer les denrées étrangères, à prix d'argent, s'il le faut. Si l'armée ennemie a une mesure de grain dans son camp, ayez-en vingt dans le vôtre ; si votre ennemi a cent vingt livres de fourrage pour ses chevaux, ayez-en deux mille quatre cents pour les vôtres. Ne laissez échapper aucune occasion de l'incommoder, faites-le périr en détail, trouvez les moyens de l'irriter pour le faire tomber dans quelque piège ; diminuez ses forces le plus que vous pourrez, en lui faisant faire des diversions, en lui tuant de temps en temps quelque parti, en lui enlevant de ses convois, de ses équipages, et d'autres choses qui pourront vous être de quelque utilité.


Chinese landscape on plate (59)

The Art of War – Sun Zi II. 8. – Chinese off/onFrançais/English
Alias Sun Tzu, Sun Wu, Sun Tse, Sunzi Bingfa, Souen Tseu, Souen Wou, 孫武.

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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