Le Maître échange propos, anecdotes, brèves paraboles et maximes avec ses disciples. Tr. Couvreur (fr), Legge (en) et Lau (en).
Tseng tzeu dit : « Être habile, et interroger ceux qui ne le sont pas, avoir beaucoup, et interroger ceux qui ont peu, faire passer son acquis pour du non-acquis, et sa plénitude pour du vide ; recevoir des offenses sans les contester, j'avais autrefois un ami qui agissait ainsi1. »
Couvreur VIII.5.
The admirable simplicity and freedom from egotism of a friend of the philosopher Tsang.
The philosopher Tsang said, "Gifted with ability, and yet putting questions to those who were not so; possessed of much, and yet putting questions to those possessed of little; having, as though he had not; full, and yet counting himself as empty; offended against, and yet entering into no altercation; formerly I had a friend who pursued this style of conduct."
Legge VIII.5.
Tseng Tzu said, 'To be able yet to ask the advice of those who are not able. To have many talents yet to ask the advice of those who have few. To have yet to appear to want. To be full yet to appear empty. To be transgressed against yet not to mind. It was towards this end that my friend used to direct his efforts.'
Lau [8:5]
Les Entretiens de Confucius – Lun Yu VIII. 5. (193) – Chinois off/on – Français/English
Alias the Lunyu, the Lun Yü, the Analects, les Entretiens du maître avec ses disciples.
Le Canon des Poèmes, Les Entretiens, La Grande Étude, Le Juste Milieu, Les Trois Caractères, Le Livre des Mutations, De la Voie et la Vertu, 300 poèmes Tang, L'Art de la guerre, Trente-six stratagèmes
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