
36 Ji Introduction Table of content – Thirty-Six Strategies

A recently uncovered notebook of 36 proverbs commented as military tactics that helps dealing with conflicts. Tr. Verstappen (en), Doc Mac Jr (fr).

36ji I. 1.

Fool the Emperor to Cross the Sea

Moving about in the darkness and shadows, occupying isolated places, or hiding behind screens will only attract suspicious attention. To lower an enemy's guard you must act in the open hiding your true intentions under the guise of common every day activities.

Japanese Folk Tale

There once lived a Samurai who was plagued by a large and clever rat who had the run of the house. This annoyed the Samurai to no end so he went to the village to buy a cat. A street vendor sold him a cat that he said would catch the rat and indeed the cat looked trim and fit. But the rat was even quicker than the cat and after a week with no success the Samurai returned the cat. This time the vendor pulled out a large and grizzled cat and guaranteed that no rat could escape this master mouser. The rat knew enough to stay clear of this tough alley cat, but when the cat slept, the rat ran about. Half the day the rat would hide, but the other half he again had the run of the place. The Samurai brought the cat back to the vendor who shook his head in despair saying he had given the Samurai his best cat and there was nothing more he could do. Returning home with his money, the Samurai happened upon a monk and sought his advice. After hearing the Samurai's story the monk offered him the services of the cat that lived in the temple. The cat was old and fat and he scarcely seemed to notice when he was carried away by the doubtful Samurai. For two weeks the cat did little more than sleep all day and night. The Samurai wanted to give the cat back to the temple but the monk insisted he keep him a while longer assuring him the rat's days were close to an end. The rat became accustomed to the presence of the lazy old cat and was soon up to his old tricks even, on occasion, brazenly dancing around the old cat as he slept. Then one day, as the rat went about his business without any concern, he passed close by the cat - who swiftly struck out his paw and pinned the rat to the floor. The rat died instantly.


« Traverser la mer sans que le ciel le sache »

Dissimule tes secrets en évidence
afin qu'on ne les perce pas à jour.

Ceux qui prennent trop de précautions sont susceptibles de ne plus être sur leur garde. Les actions familières n'éveillent pas la suspicion. Le Yin est l'aspect interne et non l'opposé du Yang. Le grand Yang contient le grand Yin. *

Cette expression proverbiale est issue de l'histoire d'un ingénieux général des Tang, qui mit au point une méthode pour transporter l'empereur (considéré dans la Chine Impériale comme le fils du Ciel) sain et sauf sur la mer, en faisant en sorte que l'Empereur lui-même ne le sache pas. Le mot ciel peut aussi être interprété littéralement. Dans les temps anciens, il était facile de mettre en place des opérations militaires secrètes sur terre en utilisant la protection d'abris naturels tels que les montagnes et les forêts, alors que l'espace d'eau ouverte de la mer n'offre aucun endroit où se cacher. Donc, dans le but de traverser la mer sans que le ciel le sache, il faut se déplacer ostensiblement sur la mer mais comme si on n'avait aucunement l'intention de la traverser.

Chaque manœuvre militaire a deux aspects : le mouvement apparent et l'intention de base. En dissimulant les deux, on peut prendre l'ennemi complètement par surprise. Mais un secret si idéal peut rarement être atteint avec les actuelles techniques de guerre. Dans la plupart des cas, maintenir l'ennemi dans une complète ignorance de nos propres opérations est moins aisé que de « traverser la mer sans que le ciel le sache ». La seule alternative est de pousser l'ennemi à négliger ou à mal interpréter l'intention de base de notre opération. Autrement dit, s'il est hautement improbable que l'ennemi reste ignorant de nos actions, on pourra toutefois lui jouer des tours juste sous son nez.

* Les ruses secrètes ne sont pas incompatibles avec les actions ouvertes si elles sont cachées dedans. Le plus visible dissimule le plus secret.

Doc Mac Jr

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Chinese landscape on plate (45)

Thirty–Six Strategies – 36 Ji I. 1. – Chinese on/offFrançais/English
AliasThirty-Six Strategies, Thirty-Six Stratagems, Secret Art of War, Les 36 stratagèmes, Les Trente-six stratégies

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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