
Lun Yu Introduction Table of content – The Analects of Confucius

The Master discusses with his disciples and unveil his preoccupations with society. Tr. Legge (en), Lau (en) and Couvreur (fr).

Lunyu XIV. 1. (348)

It is shameful in an officer to be caring only about his emolument.
Hsien asked what was shameful. The Master said, "When good government prevails in a state, to be thinking only of salary; and, when bad government prevails, to be thinking, in the same way, only of salary;– this is shameful."

Legge XIV.1.

The praise of perfect virtue is not to be allowed for the repression of bad feelings.
1. "When the love of superiority, boasting, resentments, and covetousness are repressed, this may be deemed perfect virtue."
2. The Master said, "This may be regarded as the achievement of what is difficult. But I do not know that it is to be deemed perfect virtue."

Legge XIV.2.

Hsien asked about the shameful. The Master said, 'It is shameful to make salary your sole object, irrespective of whether the Way prevails in the state or not.' 'Standing firm against the temptation to press one's advantage, to brag about oneself, to harbour grudges or to be covetous may be called "benevolent"?' The Master said, 'It may be called "difficult", but I don't know about its being benevolent.'

Lau [14:1]

Iuen Seu pria Confucius de lui dire de quoi l'on devait avoir honte. Le Maître répondit : « On peut accepter un salaire dans un pays qui suit la Voie ; mais on doit en avoir honte dans un pays qui s'en écarte. »

Couvreur XIV.1.

Iuen Seu dit : « Celui qui ne marche pas dans la rivalité, la vantardise, la rancune et la convoitise, doit-il être considéré comme pleinement humain ? » Le Maître répondit : « Il pratique le plus difficile. Est-ce là être pleinement humain ? Je ne sais. »

Couvreur XIV.2.

Lun Yu XIV. 1. Table of content
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