
Lun Yu Introduction Table of content – The Analects of Confucius

The Master discusses with his disciples and unveil his preoccupations with society. Tr. Legge (en), Lau (en) and Couvreur (fr).

Lunyu V. 1. (93)

Confucius in marriage-making was guided by character and not by fortune.
1. The Master said of Kung-Yê Ch'ang that he might be wived; although he was put in bonds, he had not been guilty of any crime. Accordingly, he gave him his own daughter to wife. [...]

Legge V.1.

The Master said of Kung-yeh Ch'ang that he was a suitable choice for a husband, for though he was in gaol it was not as though he had done anything wrong. He gave him his daughter in marriage.

Lau [5:1]

Le Maître dit que Koung ie Tch'ang était un homme à qui l'on pouvait convenablement donner une fille en mariage ; que, bien qu'il fût dans les fers, il n'avait mérité aucun châtiment. Il lui donna sa fille en mariage. [...]

Couvreur V.1.

1. Nabi membicarakan tentang Gong Ye-chang, "Ia boleh diterima menjadi menantu. Sekalipun pernah dipenjara, itu bukan karena ia telah berbuat jahat". Maka diterimalah sebagai menantunya.
Matakin-Indonesia – 2008/12/07
Chinese landscape on plate (56)

The Analects of Confucius – Lun Yu V. 1. – Chinese off/onFrançais/English
Alias the Lunyu, the Lun Yü, the Analects, les Entretiens du maître avec ses disciples.

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