
Daxue Introduction Table of content – The Great Learning

Confucean thought summarized for the Prince. Tr. Legge (en), Pauthier (fr), Bog (fr).

Confucius' text, Zengzi's comments on illustrious virtue, renovation of the people, the highest excellence, the root and the branches, investigation of things, having the thoughts sincere, the rectification of the mind, the regulation of the family, the well-ordering of the State, making the whole kingdom peaceful and happy.

Zengzi's Tenth Commentary

On the well-ordering of the State, and making the whole kingdom peaceful and happy.

Daxue XI. 11.

In the Book of Chu, it is said, “The kingdom of Chu does not consider that to be valuable. It values, instead, its good men.”

Legge X. 12.



Les Chroniques de Thsou disent : « La nation de Thsou ne regarde pas les parures en or et en pierreries comme précieuses ; mais pour elle, les hommes vertueux, les bons et sages ministres sont les seules choses qu'elle estime être précieuses. »

Pauthier X. 11.

Dans les Chroniques de Chu, il est écrit : « Le Royaume de Chu n'est pas en soi considéré comme précieux, c'est le Bien qui est en soi précieux. »


Chinese landscape on plate (56)

The Great Learning – Daxue XI. 11. – Chinese off/onFrançais/English
Alias Daxue, Da Xue, Ta Hsue, Ta Hio, Great Learning, Adult Study (Pound), Grande Etude.

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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