
Sun Zi Introduction Table of content – The Art of War

Chinese strategy explained : know yourself and the ennemy, use deception, spies, and "win with ease". Tr. Giles (en, annotated) and Amiot (fr).

I. Laying Plans
II. Waging War
III. Attack by Stratagem
IV. Tactical Dispositions
V. Energy
VI. Weak Points and Strong
VII. Maneuvering
VIII. Variation in Tactics
IX. The Army On The March
X. Terrain
XI. The Nine Situations
XII. The Attack By Fire
XIII. The Use of Spies

The Attack By Fire

Rather more than half the chapter (SS. 1-13) is devoted to the subject of fire, after which the author branches off into other topics.

Sunzi XII. 14.

Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.

But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being;1 nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.

1. The Wu State was destined to be a melancholy example of this saying.

Giles XII.20,21.

Ce sont les intérêts du pays et non pas vos intérêts personnels que vous défendez. Vos vertus et vos vices, vos belles qualités et vos défauts rejaillissent également sur ceux que vous représentez. Vos moindres fautes sont toujours de conséquence ; les grandes sont souvent irréparables, et toujours très funestes. Il est difficile de soutenir un royaume que vous aurez mis sur le penchant de sa ruine ; il est impossible de le relever, s'il est une fois détruit : on ne ressuscite pas un mort.


Sun Zi XII. 14. Table of content
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The Art of War – Sun Zi XII. 14. – Chinese off/onFrançais/English
Alias Sun Tzu, Sun Wu, Sun Tse, Sunzi Bingfa, Souen Tseu, Souen Wou, 孫武.

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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