
Lun Yu Introduction Table of content – The Analects of Confucius

The Master discusses with his disciples and unveil his preoccupations with society. Tr. Legge (en), Lau (en) and Couvreur (fr).

Lunyu IV. 5. (71)

The devotion of the Chün-tsze to virtue.
1. The Master said, "Riches and honors are what men desire. If it cannot be obtained in the proper way, they should not be held. Poverty and meanness are what men dislike. If it cannot be avoided in the proper way, they should not be avoided.
2. "If a superior man abandon virtue, how can he fulfill the requirements of that name?
3. "The superior man does not, even for the space of a single meal, act contrary to virtue. In moments of haste, he cleaves to it. In seasons of danger, he cleaves to it."

Legge IV.5.

The Master said, 'Wealth and high station are what men desire but unless I got them in the right way I would not remain in them. Poverty and low station are what men dislike, but even if I did not get them in the right way I would not try to escape from them. 'If the gentleman forsakes benevolence, in what way can he make a name for himself? The gentleman never deserts benevolence, not even for as long as it takes to eat a meal. If he hurries and stumbles one may be sure that it is in benevolence that he does so.'

Lau [4:5]

Le Maître dit : « Les richesses et les honneurs sont très ambitionnés des hommes ; si vous ne pouvez les obtenir qu'en sacrifiant vos principes, ne les acceptez pas. La pauvreté et l'abjection sont en horreur aux hommes ; si elles vous viennent, même sans aucune faute de votre part, ne les fuyez pas. Si l'homme honorable abandonne la voie de la vertu, comment soutiendra-t-il son titre d'“honorable” ? L'homme honorable ne l'abandonne jamais, pas même le temps d'un repas. Il y demeure toujours, même au milieu des affaires les plus pressantes, même au milieu des plus grands troubles. »

Couvreur IV.5.

5. a. Nabi bersabda, "Kaya dan berkedudukan mulia ialah keinginan tiap orang, tetapi bila tidak dapat dicapai dengan Jalan Suci, janganlah ditempati. Miskin dan berkedudukan rendah ialah kebencian tiap orang, tetapi bila tidak dapat disingkiri dengan Jalan Suci, jangan ditinggalkan".
b. "Seorang Junzi bila meninggalkan Cinta Kasih, bagaimanakah memperoleh sebutan ini ?"
c. "Seorang Junzi sekalipun sesaat makan tidak melanggar Cinta Kasih, di dalam kesibukan juga demikian, bahkan di dalam topan dan bahayapun ia tetap demikian".
Matakin-Indonesia – 2008/12/07
Chinese landscape on plate (56)

The Analects of Confucius – Lun Yu IV. 5. – Chinese on/offFrançais/English
Alias the Lunyu, the Lun Yü, the Analects, les Entretiens du maître avec ses disciples.

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