
Sun Zi Introduction Table of content – The Art of War

Chinese strategy explained : know yourself and the ennemy, use deception, spies, and "win with ease". Tr. Giles (en, annotated) and Amiot (fr).

I. Laying Plans
II. Waging War
III. Attack by Stratagem
IV. Tactical Dispositions
V. Energy
VI. Weak Points and Strong
VII. Maneuvering
VIII. Variation in Tactics
IX. The Army On The March
X. Terrain
XI. The Nine Situations
XII. The Attack By Fire
XIII. The Use of Spies


Only about a third of the chapter, comprising ss. ss. 1-13, deals with "terrain," the subject being more fully treated in ch. XI. The "six calamities" are discussed in SS. 14-20, and the rest of the chapter is again a mere string of desultory remarks, though not less interesting, perhaps, on that account.

Sunzi X. 5.

With regard to NARROW PASSES, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the enemy.1

Should the army forestall you in occupying a pass, do not go after him if the pass is fully garrisoned, but only if it is weakly garrisoned.

1. Because then, as Tu Yu observes, "the initiative will lie with us, and by making sudden and unexpected attacks we shall have the enemy at our mercy."

Giles X.8,9.

Il y a des lieux qui n'offrent que d'étroits passages, qui sont bordés de rochers ou de précipices, qui n'ont pas d'accès facile avec les espaces libres desquels vous pouvez attendre du secours. Si vous êtes le premier à occuper ce terrain, bloquez les passages et attendez l'ennemi ; si l'ennemi est sur place avant vous, ne l'y suivez pas, à moins qu'il n'ait pas fermé complètement les défilés. Ayez-en une connaissance exacte pour ne pas y engager votre armée mal à propos.


Chinese landscape on plate (59)

The Art of War – Sun Zi X. 5. – Chinese on/offFrançais/English
Alias Sun Tzu, Sun Wu, Sun Tse, Sunzi Bingfa, Souen Tseu, Souen Wou, 孫武.

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
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