
Lun Yu Introduction Table of content – The Analects of Confucius

The Master discusses with his disciples and unveil his preoccupations with society. Tr. Legge (en), Lau (en) and Couvreur (fr).

Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4Section 5Section 6Section 7Section 8Section 9Section 10Section 11Section 12Section 13Section 14Section 15Section 16Section 17Section 18Section 19Section 20
Chinese landscape on plate (56)

The Analects of Confucius – Lun Yu XXVI – Chinese on/offFrançais/English
Alias the Lunyu, the Lun Yü, the Analects, les Entretiens du maître avec ses disciples.

The Book of Odes, The Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Three-characters book, The Book of Changes, The Way and its Power, 300 Tang Poems, The Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategies
Welcome, help, notes, introduction, table.

Wengu, Chinese Classics multilingual text base